
  • it is thursday, 3:29 pm
  • i am tired; not with life, but i want more sleep
  • olive sourdough was a success
  • next, i non-plain sourdough variant i want to try is black sesame/roasted garlic
  • i didn't realize there were so many people that didn't like olives
  • i took a lot of notes today that i'd eventually like to transcribe to this platform
  • bread notes, work notes, etc...
  • intake 10mg at 10:32 am
  • maybe 10mg isn't enough anymore
  • i teach a class tonight
  • getting a new phone has been on my agenda for quite a while now; since the iphone se 2020 was announced
  • there are currently 5 phones sitting on my desk; iphone se 2020, iphone 12 mini, pixel 4a 5g, pixel 5
  • i think the iphone 12 mini is the winner
  • i will return the rest
  • quite a few people have made remarks on my purchasing/product reviewing process
  • i can see why buying a product with the intention of returning it can be looked down on
  • i don't buy products to use them and then return them, but if i have multiple options and the store policy allows for free returns, i will usually buy multiple products to see which one i like best and then return the rest
  • in most cases in life, that level of risk-free, consequence-free trialing doesn't present itself
  • there's no point i'm trying to make
  • still tired


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